Our group has seven papers accepted at WACV 2025.
- Y. Guo, A. Shah, J. Liu, A. Gupta, R. Chellappa, C. Peng. “GaitContour: Efficient Gait Recognition based on a Contour-Pose Representation”.
- K. Narayan, N.G. Nair, J. Xu, R. Chellappa, V.M.Patel. “PETALface: Parameter Efficient Transfer Learning for Low-resolution Face Recognition”.
- A. Gupta, R. Chellappa. “MimicGait: A Model Agnostic approach for Occluded Gait Recognition using Correlational Knowledge Distillation”.
- Z. Wang, J. Liu, J. Chen, R. Chellappa. “VM-Gait: Multi-Modal 3D Representation Based on Virtual Marker for Gait Recognition”.
- T. Rahman, R. Chellappa, A.S. Baras. “CEMIL: Contextual attention based efficient weakly supervised approach for histopathology image classification”.
- A. Roy, A. Shah, K. Shah, A. Roy, R. Chellappa. “Cap2Aug: Caption guided Image to Image data Augmentation”.
S. Huang, R.P. Kathirvel, Y. Guo, R. Chellappa, C. Peng. “VILLS : Video-Image Learning to Learn Semantics for Person Re-Identification”.