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Papers accepted at IJCB 2024 and ICASSP 2024
July 15, 2024

Our Group has one paper accepted at IJCB 2024. Yuxiang Guo, Siyuan Huang, Ram Prabhakar, Chun Pong Lau, Rama Chellappa, and…

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EgoVLPv2 is awarded as an EgoVis 2022/2023 Distinguished Paper
July 15, 2024

EgoVLPv2: Egocentric Video-Language Pre-training with Fusion in the Backbone (ICCV, 2023), led by Shraman, is awarded as an Egocentric Vision 2022/2023…

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Two papers accepted at ECCV 2024
July 14, 2024

Our group has two papers accepted at ECCV 2024: Yutao Tang, Cheng Peng, Yifan Zhou, Nengyu Wang, Xijun Liu, Deming Li,…

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One paper accepted at IJCAI 2024
July 14, 2024

Our group has one paper accepted at IJCAI 2024: Maitreya Suin, Rama Chellappa. “CLR-Face: Conditional Latent Refinement for Blind Face Restoration…

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AI & The Education System
March 24, 2023

Rama Chellappa talks about AI & The Education System in a chat with NSTA (National Science Teaching Association).

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Rama Chellappa – Can we trust AI ? – Kansas Public Radio
December 28, 2022

Rama Chellappa’s conversation with Dan Skinner (Kansas Public Radio) on the book “Can we trust AI ?”  

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Rama Chellappa – Can we trust AI ?
December 21, 2022

Can We Trust AI? – Dr. Rama Chellappa – Interview with Loiue b. Free

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Paper accepted at AAAI 2023
November 29, 2022

PDRF: Progressively Deblurring Radiance Field for Fast Scene Reconstruction from Blurry Images: Cheng Peng & Rama Chellappa

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Paper Presented at CVPR 2021
November 5, 2021

A paper was presented at CVPR 2021 Hierarchical Video Prediction using Relational Layouts for Human-Object Interactions : N. Bodla, G. Shrivastava,…

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