By: Rama Chellappa

AI & The Education System
March 24, 2023

Rama Chellappa talks about AI & The Education System in a chat with NSTA (National Science Teaching Association).

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Tuning into cutting edge sciences: A lesson plan partnership
March 19, 2023

Johns Hopkins Wavelengths : Tuning into cutting edge sciences. A lesson plan partnership

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Rama Chellappa elected to National Academy of Engineering
February 8, 2023

Article : Chellappa, a Bloomberg Distinguished Professor in electrical and computer engineering and biomedical engineering at Johns Hopkins, is among 106…

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Q&A : Rama Chellappa with Eric Niiler – WSJ
January 31, 2023

Live Q&A : Rama Chellappa and WSJ science reporter Eric Niiler on the book “Can we trust AI?” :

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Rama Chellappa – Can we trust AI ? – Kansas Public Radio
December 28, 2022

Rama Chellappa’s conversation with Dan Skinner (Kansas Public Radio) on the book “Can we trust AI ?”  

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Rama Chellappa – Can we trust AI ?
December 21, 2022

Can We Trust AI? – Dr. Rama Chellappa – Interview with Loiue b. Free

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Rama Chellappa – Guiding Use And Evolution Of Artificial Intelligence In “Can We Trust AI?”
December 7, 2022

Rama Chellappa’s interview at the Armen show on Guiding Use And Evolution Of Artificial Intelligence In “Can We Trust AI?”. Link…

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Rama Chellappa – AI and the Future of Medicine and Education – STM podcast
December 7, 2022

Rama Chellappa – AI and the Future of Medicine and Education – STM podcast. Link :

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Rama Chellappa’s interview with Coleman Hughes
December 4, 2022

Link to Rama Chellappa’s interview with Coleman Hughes :

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Rama Chellappa’s interview on Singularity Radio
November 29, 2022

Rama Chellappa’s interview on Singularity Radio was just released.—Can-We-Trust-AI-e1rct8i

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